Virtual Lapband

Virtual Lapband is a 4 step hypnotherapy programme to help people to lose weight effortlessly and easily, and avoid the lapband surgery. It is painless, it works and has a 95% success rate!

Virtual Lapband mimics a virtual experience in your mind via the method of hypnosis. An individual is led to believe that they have experienced lapband surgery (the surgical addition and placement of a tight band around the neck of the stomach), and as such, the benefits of Virtual Lapland are the same. For example, the individual believes he or she is full from eating, which has the benefit of allowing them to automatically eat much less. Continuous reductions in food consumption lead to weight loss. 

Janine is highly experienced in hypnosis and with a 95% success rate, the Virtual Lapband procedure delivers results beyond the expectations of each individual. Virtual Lapband is suitable for all ages and weights, ranging from overweight and obese to trained athletes looking at a food intake reduction solution. 

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